Whats a Cardiotonic, drugs side effects, reviews in Nigeria | Supports normal blood pressure levels

What’s Cardiotonic? Cardioton is a revolutionary supplement that contains a special blend of botanical extracts to help patients overcome hypertension. Users’ feedback in the form of comments and pictures indicates how quickly the product works and how good the results are. There are several reviews by doctors and cardiologists as well.

5 min readMay 1, 2022

Cardioton side effects

Reviews Cardioton drugs in Nigeria

Pills for hypertension Cardioton

Hypertension develops gradually, and as it progresses, it can cause heart attacks, strokes, disability, and death. According to the manufacturer, Cardioton it will relieve pressure surges and bring the tonometer readings back to normal in one therapeutic course.

On thematic forums, you can find enough customer comments about Cardioton. Most people with high blood pressure speak positively about the drug, but there are also dissatisfied buyers who write that this remedy is an ordinary dietary supplement and does not give the effects declared by the manufacturer.

Let’s look at the effectiveness of the drug for hypertension in order to understand why real negative reviews appear on its action.

What is and how does the remedy work?

Cardioton — an effective drug for hypertension. The drug for pressure is available in tablets that are suitable for oral administration. Capsules actively reduce blood pressure to the age norm, improve the condition of the vascular wall (increase its elasticity), fight bad cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stroke or heart attack.

The medicine contains components such as oyster concentrate, rosehip extract rich in vitamins A and C, bee pollen, blueberry and ginkgo biloba extracts. Before taking the drug, it is advisable to get advice and recommendations from a cardiologist.


For the manufacture of antihypertensive agents, organic active substances are used:

  • Ginkgo biloba. Terpenes and flavone glycosides, which are present in the extract, activate blood circulation, increase venous tone. Ginkgo has a positive effect on brain function, improves sleep and performance.
  • Blueberry. It has a neuroprotective effect, improves visual acuity. Natural blueberry anthocyanins support the health of the heart and blood vessels, regulate metabolism.
  • Rose hip. The plant substance strengthens the vascular wall, normalizes blood pressure. The component improves the functioning of the urinary and digestive systems.
  • Perga bee. The substance reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, in men it acts as a natural stimulant of potency.
  • Oyster concentrate. Contains a complex of amino acids and vitamins that reduce blood pressure and prevent vascular thrombosis.


Cardioton is prescribed for all types of arterial hypertension: primary (essential) and symptomatic forms: renal, endocrine, medicinal. The medicine can be taken by patients of any age, regardless of the degree of hypertension and concomitant diseases. The presence of a lipid-lowering effect allows the use of the drug for atherosclerosis.

Action Cardioton — divorce or truth

The manufacturer analyzed real reviews about Cardioton, both positive and negative. Based on the results of the analysis, the manufacturer named the main reasons why buyers write negative comments about therapy:

  • buying counterfeit goods. To exclude the sale of fakes, purchase the original drug through the official website. A fake can seriously harm your health, and cause the development of complications that are incompatible with life;
  • improper use of tablets. Ignoring the instructions does not give the effect of therapy, and buyers write that the medicine does not work. You need to take the pills according to the instructions, only in this case it will be possible to normalize the pressure, and get rid of hypertension forever;
  • negative reviews are ordered by companies engaged in the production and organization of sales of similar drugs for hypertension.

The website of the official representative of the manufacturer contains real reviews about the effect Cardioton. The site also has information about the results of tests for the safety and effectiveness of tablets against hypertension.

Reviews of doctors and buyers in Nigeria

It is worth noting that the natural complex really works (this is not a scam). It is easy to find the results of clinical studies and testing on groups of volunteers on the Web. The drug has all the required certificates of conformity.

“Recently, I increasingly recommend Cardioton as an alternative to synthetic drugs that are harder on the liver. Of course, during an attack, you need to have on hand special means that quickly reduce blood pressure, but if you need to normalize the general condition and gradually restore the work of the heart, then it is better to take a relatively safe natural complex … “

An additional proof of the effectiveness of the treatment is a large number of positive reviews from real customers. Usually people highlight the normal price and the possibility of ordering online.

“I visited a doctor who diagnosed the initial stage of hypertension. He advised me to change my diet and stop smoking. Unfortunately, I couldn’t give up cigarettes — I didn’t have enough willpower, so I decided to help the body by taking Cardioton. To be honest, I’m happy. Within a week of taking it, I noticed obvious improvements. My chronic headaches and constant buzzing in my ears disappeared … “

